Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let's talk about ponytails...

I was in the hot yoga class today and I saw most of the people had ponytails on... including me:)
As a hair stylist I shouldn't be promoting ponytails (haha) but in reality we all do wear ponytails and I love it :)

So let's talk about Ponytails!

I see some clients have breakage on their hair from having ponytails...
We tend to have ponytails on the same spot over and over again, and the rubber band put too much pressure on it.
That causes the breakage.

Healthy dry hair stretches up to 20% of its normal length and healthy wet hair can stretch up to 50% of its usual length.
That means it's worse to have ponytails when your hair is wet...more breakage:(

So, try to dry your hair before you ponytail your hair and change the spot of ponytails to avoid the breakage.

Here are some ponytail ideas.
Why don't we have cute ponytails if we are going to do it anyways? :)

High Ponytails...

Mid High Ponytails...

Low Ponytails...

Side Ponytails... my favorite:)

and I just love how this looks...

Or use head bands if you have short layers...

Client  "I want to have layers but I want to be able to put it in the ponytail..."
Me "You can wear ponytails no matter what:) Let's make you look pretty with and without ponytails!"

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